Many people believe in God, and many don’t. Many believe in souls, many say evil spirits exist. No one knows what it is, but everyone has a belief. And it’s not easy that one changes his or her belief. Man created everything, he created this beautiful world and made it suitable for him to live, but they don’t praise themselves, they praise God. And man has created Science, which gives no explanation for God, even after years of research.
So what do you believe in? Some one created Science to figure out the world by proving everything. He did not assume or take anything for granted. He tried to explain whatever he saw and kept a note of that. And the person who created God, he explained everything and might have assumed something but he did not keep a note of it. Take for example, Darwin’s work on the evolution of life. That serves as the base of how life evolved. He might had competitors who also had offered an explanation. May be there were 20 people who thought about how life originated, but only 5 noted down their ideas and 4 of them gut buried, destroyed or were illegible. But that served as the base of many theories in Science. Does this mean that the thoughts of the other 19 people are meaningless?
Now think that there is some super power, someone who created everything, someone who triggered off time. That some one had once made something which developed by itself to become this Universe (again man gave this something the name of Universe). Quite interestingly there were some small things in a special part of this, which had greed in them, and wanted to figure out who this person was, and made many attempts and many failed. Later they developed Science which was dedicated in figuring out the nature. Yes there were another group of people who believed in the almighty. But they did not want to figure out everything. They knew that this super power was behind everything and they gave it the name of God. They did not give concrete reasons to what they said and so people believing in Science, their opponent, did not believe them. Science is all about reasoning, and without reason, nothing is accepted in Science. So to an extent Science is Limited Knowledge. This is because there are some things which have no reason, they need to be accepted.
Too much belief in God has led to the development of superstition, a stage where people believe in whatever they are told. This is something which developed due to co-incidence. We created Probability, and God created Luck. This is where we stand, if we can understand whatever is there to understand, and then there won’t be any God.
But have you ever wondered as to why the hell people worship? This was due to the unfair advantage that some people (the priests) took and instilled in the minds of the people the need to worship. Yes if you worship, you gain something, that’s because if you worship, you don’t look at your losses. If you wear a red string around your hand, it’s not going to affect how much you can remember for your exams. If meeting your love needed forwarding a certain SMS to 10 or 15 friends, then lovers would have never been separated. If keeping a flower (and that too old) could influence your pen, then no one would have failed in exams. If doing a pranaam while thinking how to kick the ass of your opponent, could defeat him, then none would have ever failed and everyday everyone would go to the mandir.
But what believing in God does help is that it makes you optimistic. You always think of the good probability to happen. So in one way it does influence your mind. But don’t believe that praying to God would save you in the exam. I used to pray a lot one time and used to just pass. I used to say “God is there with me to promote me”. But once upon a time, circumstances forced to change my view. I stopped believing in God or his help. Incredibly that was the first time when I gained success. I did everything myself.
Coming back to the topic, souls are said to be something inside us, which is a very selfish and comfort loving thing. Well I don’t exactly know what thing it is but I call it selfish, because when it finds that the organs of a body are not working up to its standards, it dumps it and moves on to another body (probably wearing a fast track eye gear and wristwatches – Move on man). And comfort loving, well if you are 95 years old, the soul is trying whatever it can to live its bearer, who carried it for so many days. That’s the character of souls, but the medical sciences have no explanation for this sort of an effect. Souls connect to another soul(s) to create another soul(s). This is how it goes on. No one has been able to see the past and say how really we and our souls came to existence, that’s why we think of seeing the future.
People believe in God and pray when their loved ones are in the hospital. This shows that people need support to stay, they either can’t trust the doctor in the hospital or they can’t trust the Medical Sciences. But will trusting in God also does not mean drinking what the priest gives you.
The priests are the ones who use the name God for their own selfish interests. They mould the mind of people, so that they can gain something. There are people who believe in God but do not even tell God to keep His eyes closed while committing a sin. They don’t need the help of God while cheating in the exams or cheating on his girlfriend or wife. But when it comes to good causes, they need help from the almighty. If every one thinks that God will be with them, then there won’t be any losers.
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