Friday, April 30, 2010

The Endless Wait

‘Antaheen’, that’s the Bengali word meaning to say ‘the endless wait’. A film goes by that name, released in 2009, and got many prestigious awards.

There are people who remain bachelors or spinsters all their life. Is it that they have not been attracted to someone or that no one has been attracted to them? Some times the answer is different and sometimes there is no answer. Sometimes people want a perfect person with an ideal relationship. Now there is only one Kiran Rao for Aamir Khan, the perfectionist. Sometimes they find that perfect person for them, but soon lose them in mishaps. Sometimes the situations force them to stop finding that someone and be happy with what they have got, even though they have nothing which can compensate the loneliness of not having a partner.

People need a job to do survive in this hectic city. When you start staying in this city, you have to get yourself adjusted and suited to the surroundings first, if you are successful you will continue to search for and wait (sometimes endlessly) for that someone, and if you are lucky enough, you may find that someone who was also lucky enough and was searching for you and found you. That’s life for most people who think they think a lot and understand a lot, understand true love and only want to spend their lives with that true lover.

And those who think they understand love even more than that, they have another feature common to most men. Their number of ex-girl friends is more than the number of 1000 rupees notes they earn a month or sometimes not earn anything a month. And yes the number of condoms they have brought is real life is way more than the number of books they ever purchased.

Most of my friends, who are single, think that waiting endlessly will help them finding true love. Their mind says, “Don’t take a decision in the hurry, your dream man or woman will surely come to you (tonight only in your lovely dream).” And there is another category of men who dream a lot during the day and lives their dream also during the day but not the real world. They have the virtual world of the internet. There they go on drinking around (again virtually) with a host of girls. Actually the looks of the actor who is in your profile picture matters more than your own looks.

Who says that today’s generation is impatient? You have so many people searching endlessly for the match maker.

Now if you are one of these super patient people, then I have one little advice for you. Since you have read till here with your amazing patience, which now I admire a lot, please read the other posts in this blog (notes in case you are reading in Facebook) and yeah, also write a short comment in the comments section. Aaaahhh again thinking of going to some other page!! Aren’t you that patient person to wait endlessly? Now agree to it that you are eagerly waiting for your true love to come your way.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

50 Things to do in the Elevator

I found this list while surfing the web. Thought of sharing with everyone.... Read on...

1. When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.

2. Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.

3. Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.

4. Call the Psychic Hot-line from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor your on.

5. Hold the doors open and say your waiting for a friend. After a while, let the doors close, and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?"

6. Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"

7. Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.

8. Move your desk into the elevator and whenever anyone gets on, ask if they have an appointment.

9. Lay down the twister mat and ask people if they would like to play.

10. Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask them if they can hear ticking.

11. Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.

12. Ask, "Did you feel that?"

13. Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.

14. When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay, don't panic, they open again!"

15. Swat at flies that don't exist.

16. Tell people that you can see their aura.

17. Call out, "Group Hug!"and then enforce it.

18. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "Shut up, all of you, just shut up!"

19. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside, ask, "Got enough air in there?"

20. Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.

21. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in horror, "You're one of THEM!" and back away slowly.

22. Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.

23. Listen to the elevator walls with your stethoscope.

24. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.

25. Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce, "I have new socks on".

26. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers, "This is MY personal space!"

27. Bring a plastic blow up doll and pretend it is your wife/girlfriend and say "Don't yell at me woman!" and throw her into the wall.

28. While going down in an elevator scream, "AAAAGGGGHHHH !!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!" for no apparent reason.

29. When the doors close after someone gets off whisper 'I love you' then blow kisses

30. At the highest floor, keep the door open, explaining that you've dropped a penny down the shaft, and you refuse to close the door, unless you hear it go "plink" at the bottom.

31. Press the emergency button while in between floors, and say your imaginary friend did it, then start screaming there's an emergency.

32. Standing in a corner of the elevator, with your face to the wall, moving left or right and quickly back and forth in front of you (around the pelvic area), making grunting noises.

33. Make sure you're making out with your lover when the door opens, then say, "Oops, how careless. You want in?"

34. Pretend you have to pee and hop around the elevator with one hand between your pants.

35. When you leave the elevator yell "Damn thing keeps shaking!"

36. Pretend to pick your nose in front of everybody and then press all the buttons.

37. Take pictures of people and tell them its for a new porn magazine.

38. Play fast-draw-pistol cowboy with your hands and shoot at the people.

39. Press door close when someones walking in.

40. Put post its on each elevator reading "OUT OF ORDER" and put a post it on the door to the stairs reading "WET PAINT".

41. Wait until the elevator gets really crowded. Then make your hand into a gun shape, hold it up in front of you and start singing or humming the "Mission Impossible Theme".

42. Face the opposite direction when the doors open. Then get angry and say they are broken.

43. Bring one of those gigantic boom boxes and start free style rapping and challenge everyone who gets on to a rap battle.

44. Take out a bag filled with crushed up leafs and try to sell them "the good stuff".

45. Take your shoes off and put them in a corner. Put your kneecaps in the holes of the shoes, so your legs are balanced against the wall (but behind you, so you look really tiny). Have a person come in, ask them for the top floor, and comment on how nice their ankles look.

46. Greet everyone with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral.

47. Stand in the back when it is really crowded then groan and say "Damn motion sickness".

48. When you get to your floor attempt to pull open the doors, then act embarrassed when they open on their own.

49. Announce your plans to commit suicide to everyone that walks in to the elevator and how you want to take down as many people as you can before you do it.

50. When somebody pushes a button, say in a little voice "Don't touch me there!"

Monday, April 5, 2010

My New Blog

I barely started blogging two months ago as a way to give my mind some relief in between exams. And when my exams are still not over, I start another new Blog, fully dedicated to my passions for photography.

Though for long photography was my hidden passion, recently I started collecting the most amazing and beautiful moments ever published. And then a thought came to my mind that I can share these memorable moments with the world. Because I have made a resolution to publish many photographs so I decided to keep it separate from my personal blog.

And the result of all this is Click a Story. So go check out the blog and some of the photographs that I have put up and will be putting up from time to time. And yes do give me comments on how my new blog is looking and ways of improving. And yes if you want to share a photograph in the blog, that's possible. Just visit the Feature Here page of my blog.

One of the recent additions to my new blog.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Few Go(o)d Men

They say, “Behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining”. In India in reality, it’s just the opposite, “Behind every silver lining there is a dark cloud” or in other words, “After every bright morning there is a dark night”. I say, “What’s the difference?”

Everything in this world is balanced and requires symmetry. Look at yourself; considering you aren’t a physically disabled person, you have 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears. So in other words you are symmetrical. Even the balance your vegetable grocer uses to weigh vegetables is symmetrical (am talking about the traditional ones, not the modern electronically operated ones).

Similarly for being good in doing bad work requires you to be bad in doing good work as well. For example, in India we have the God men who appear to be doing good work, but are bad in it and so end up getting caught doing bad work.

Going by the recent developments, we have the guy called Swami Nithyananda, who has gained a lot of popularity. He is in fact even shrewder than a businessman. If he needs a palace to live in, he would ask a hugely popular film star or a politician to donate money to create it in the name of God and an Ashram for the poor. Yet after this I did spot beggars at a stone’s throw from ashrams all over India. Strange!!

When a very popular film star or a politician donates for an ashram or even comes to these men for spiritual support and help, all that happens is the popularity of these God men increases exponentially. They even have mastered the art of magic, and they perform tricks to bring in more devotees, or followers (actually they are the ones who get fooled by their tricks) which appear to work miraculously.

A businessman would work hard, make money by fooling people and then get to build a palace, but see the idea of these so called saints wildly misusing the name of God and Religion. The religion of Hindu is such that, in order to be eligible to become a religious captain the only requirement is to wear a saffron coloured cloth. And that’s it. With a few more tricks and superb acting (actually fooling) abilities, you can make devotees from all over the world and subsequently enjoy a religious superhero status. Although you will be able to keep personal assistants, live in AC rooms (ashrams) and also have personal bodyguards, you cannot drive a BMW or Mercedes even though you have the money to buy 10 of them, nor can you have a ‘fan’ or for that matter a devotee asking you for an autograph.

You can continue with a lot of underworld and illegal activities with no limitations. These include supporting terrorism or storing weapons and also running prostitution camps and sometimes you also enjoying nights with some of the top models and actresses in the country.

Well that’s a very nice way of making your empire and doing your work, but will you be rewarded in the end? Will be known as Swami Vivekananda in the end? Every men (or women) have their own faults, so can you, but that does not mean you will deceive people and use their money to support inhuman activities?

What I always believe in is “Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best”. Next time you talk to a new (or an old) God men, keep that in mind. He might be clean, but don’t take him to be clean just because you didn’t find anything unclean, he might have pasted the brightest feathers on his wings. Take him to be clean only if you find everything clean, everything and confirming that he has not stole those feathers.