Thursday, February 11, 2010

:: Love :: Lust :: Addiction ::

Going through the blogs of many teenagers, I have found that most of them are related to love or lust either directly or indirectly. Usually they write this when they come out of relationships in which their heart was.

They use these blogs as a way to vent out their inner feelings out and also make their head lighter. Most of the time one question is asked: How can I find true love? or When will I find true love? or Where will I? and all similar stuff.

The answers clear, if you go on the right track, you will find love, if not, you won't. Most people go on the wrong track. That track is the track of 'Addiction' - addiction to LUST.....

People have a partner, they cheat. They do two-timing. One night Stands. All because of addiction to lust. They are all addicted. When in two-timing, they have one as a true lover, other as just time-pass for their addiction....

Other reasons include porn... Many or most teenagers (boys) are addicted to porn. They watch it always. This brings in them a desire to turn naughty. They fall in love just for the sake of fun, just for kisses or so... Prolonged addiction to porn, with no girl in a boy's life, brings in frustration.

Usually these addicts don't find people to fall for, so their friends of the opposite sex fall prey to these. They fall in love with almost every person of the opposite sex they meet. They flirt with others even when they are in a relationship. Slowly when his partner gets to know about this, a breakup occurs and then again that partner in drawn into addiction and this continues.

People don't show love to their love when they need it the most. It is true that many people fall for lust. They soon get addicted to it. When they become serial lovers or get addicted to one night stands, a time comes when their partner catches them directly or indirectly. Then a breakup occurs. It is the time when the partner is expected to show her love and explain him and take him to counselors. They don't understand their partner's addiction.

Break up is not a good option if you see your partner cheating. They will go for sex with a girl they meet anywhere, but they won't propose sex to their girlfriends. They are always out to find better girl's in the market... Always!!!

Addicts themselves don't get to understand if they are addicted. The people surrounding them seldom understands. They are hurt in every corner they go. Come to reality, if you know any one suffering from this, help him, take him to communities like Sexaholics Anonymous or so.... Help them recover from this deadly addiction. Find your true love by killing lust for others.